Swenson Red Grapes

Series – My Future Self Journaling – 11F

The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started almost a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling.

dream book, workbook

Series – Future Self Journaling – 10F – Rituals for Living Dreambook

Quick recap.. The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started almost a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling. The Rituals for Live Dreambook was given to me by my children, so why not add this to my blogging/future self journaling time?

crocus photo credit C.Elisabeth

Series – Future Self Journaling – 7F

30 Day Challenge wise, the extra spouse focus is easy and going well. Even if I am in the middle of an article, I take a break when he comes in, for a chat or a snuggle. Usually I will ask if it’s ok to finish up my work, but in this small way of not asking and giving him my full attention feels correct to me. Future Self journaling going well too.

Series – Future Self Journaling – 3F

Spouse is getting extra spoiling. Blogging, you’re reading it and the five reasons to make healthy choices listed below. Logging, still no, although I do use the food log, but not my excel spreadsheet. I haven’t started the day with fruit or a veggie in two days. I did end the day with grapefruit however. Partial credit? Coming into the holidays, I am going a bit hard core with my Five Reasons to Make Healthy Choices challenge. Modern problems require kick ass solutions.