Sunflower at Night - photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG

Series – Future Self Journal – 26G – Check In

Checking in with my goals. I swear, garden season appears, other concerns disappear. Completely. I reviewed my previous installation detailing what I want to accomplish this year. The year is over half over already, time has rushed by so fast I ceased to see most of it! I follow Dr. Nicole Le Pera on Insta …

maple trees secret garden

Series – Future Self Journaling – 23G – Winter Neighbor Drama

LOL did y’all see what my last FSJ installment said? That I was back on track out would continue throughout the summer. I tell you what. The garden is a Siren, a call I heed if the sun is out and the weather is over 60 degrees. I should have known better. Anyway… How you …

Series – Future Self Journaling – 22G – Rituals for Living Dreambook – Ritualize

Holy crap I am caught up! As of today, and likely throughout the summer, these journaling posts will be day of, instead of posted later. I’ll fit them in between gardening content. Wow, where did we leave off. I have not written down my journaling exercises of late, as this time of year the garden …

Series – Future Self Journal – 23G – Dreams of Plants

The only part of the dream I remember was as follows. I was digging up a small tree or large plant along my south chain link fence to relocate it…somewhere. During digging, a trench around the roots, I discovered tulip bulbs planted the previous year. The bulbs, I knew were there, yet thought I had …

self help books

Series – Future Self Journaling – 19G – He Cries When a Job is Well Done

He thinks it’s stupid, I find it endearing. He settles on the couch, hears the most lovely verse, and bursts into tears. The Sps is an artist. He appreciates the perfectly delivered line in a movie, the immersive costume in a period piece, a most evocative tagline of a product. He understands the drive of …