Series – Future Self Journaling – 17G – Blanche Again

Best line of the Golden Girls. Season 6, Ep. 7. Of course stated so convincingly by Blanche Devereaux.

Like the fatal blossom of the graceful Jimsomeweed, I entice with my fragrance but can provide no suckle.”

DEAD, every time. One day, I will say this to someone. Because a line that fabulous cannot be forgotten.

Dorothy…the man sent you MEAT!” Blanche D. said that too.

Ok, back to the topic at hand. Gardening. I was wondering what the heck a “gymsum” weed was so I searched it. It’s Jimsome firstly, and secondly, it is Datura!! And yes, the night scent of Datura and it’s fraternal twin Brugmansia are intoxicating, and no she cannot provide any suckle, unless you are trying to hurt yourself. Lucky me, Brugmansia is a tropical and not even adults know what the heck my plant is when they see it here in Zone 5 (in summer). And nobody touches it but me, it’s tucked where it can be admired yet not handled. I’ve trimmed the plant and been all up in it, for years now, with no ill effects.

I am glad I have one. Sitting on the patio at night, chatting about the day with The Sps, right next to my pink Brugmansia, releasing it’s intoxication from it’s 25+ bell blossoms… I know that is a memory I’ll keep well after my gardening days are over.

My Cherub Brugmansia blooming indoors after frost date – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin

With football and birthdays and kiddo drama, I haven’t been logging or following much of a schedule at all. I’ve also found new obsessions, which always kick me off track, admittedly because I allow it. 30 day Challenge wise, am definitely half-assing it right now.

I’ll whole ass it tomorrow.

Five Reasons to Make healthy Choices

  1. Protect my eyesight
  2. So I can fit into The Dress this summer
  3. Water is free and tastes good. How many people wish they had such easy access to clean water?
  4. Less risk of Covid, hell, ALL of the illnesses, when healthy choices are made.
  5. More energy throughout the day.

    Grateful For:

    -cake from a new local bakery.
    -making my crispy eggrolls with The Sps
    -the calm that comes after setting a strict boundary

    Godspeed Y’all!

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights.

The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started almost a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling. The Rituals for Live Dreambook was given to me by my children, so why not add this to my blogging/future self journaling time?

Example of Future Self Journaling

The End

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