Series – Future Self Journal – 24G – Rituals for Living Dreambook – What Do You Want To Accomplish This Year.


Previous Ritualization Entry
To Recap, my chosen planning ritual to recognize my intentional task is a Gratefulness mantra, a recognition and Thank You for completing the chosen task. My space will be dimmed lights, a garden rain scented candle, and completely alone. As always, a pen (a Dr Grip gel pen, my favorite) and notebook at the ready. Food television on low volume is my background noise. Seems to feed my creativity.

The next step once your ritual is chosen is to Plan What Will I Accomplish This Year.

Enter your ritual space. Light the candle, dim the lights, set the mood and music. Are you calm and comfortable? Create the environment that will make it easy and safe for ideas to flow. Grab your notebook and pen. Have your last written tasks, the Mind Maps for one, three, ten years and lifetime at the ready for reference.

Now write.

I’ve provide some very messy examples of some goals I have. My full list was significantly longer. There are no rules how long your list is. I was writing on my lap, not my desk. Let the ideas flow, do not worry about making the list pretty, unless your planning ritual requires it.

Whatever, I don’t ritual shame.

The template is provided by the Rituals for Living Dreambook


Grateful For:

  • A family member got Covid a few weeks ago. First in the immediate family and it took three years for it to hit any of us. Grateful for the vaccines, masks and people who care about the health of others. What a GIFT. Her illness was mild and gone in a week.
  • Finding new garden resources. Especially when they showcase an Australian gardener, who is showing off a verdant paradise. I am so tired of snow, ice and a sea of white cold.
  • Grateful for temps above zero. In fact, it is 30 degrees today and I took a lovely walk.

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~The End

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