Series – Future Self Journaling – 3F

Thanksgiving week is a HARD week to eat healthy, especially when you are the cook for most of the meal! A loaded fridge full of goodies ready for prep. A double bottle of my favorite wine as my kitchen helper. The calories in that?

Hold On…

900ish if I drink the whole bottle. I’ll split it between two days, no worries.

Spouse is getting extra spoiling. Blogging, you’re reading it and the five reasons to make healthy choices listed below. Logging, still no, although I do use the food log, but not my excel spreadsheet. I haven’t started the day with fruit or a veggie in two days. I did end the day with grapefruit however. Partial credit? Coming into the holidays, I am going a bit hard core with my Five Reasons to Make Healthy Choices challenge. Modern problems require kick ass solutions.

Reasons to Make Healthy Choices

  1. Do you like getting insulin shots? No? Work on the sugar content of your meals. Diabetes Bad, Do Not Get.
  2. Heart disease runs in the family, and I don’t run at all. So maybe work on the diet.
  3. Blood Pressure is the high end of normal…why mess that up? Hypertension Bad,
  4. Got Kids? I do. Set a good example maybe?
  5. I am accident prone. Being fit and focusing on balance will help.

    Yeah, I am accident prone. In the past two weeks I have:

    -fallen off the bed during an active dream where I was trying not to fall. I remember trying to grab a brown rope or a brown snake in the dream, an attempt to save myself from…? Gash on my hip and bump on my head.
    -missed the rotting board on the deck and my leg fell through, messing up my knee, scratches from my ankle to thigh. Yes, I marked the board before this happened and plan to repair the whole deck once spring and lower wood prices return. I wasn’t paying attention.
    -skinned my knee on the shelf in the bathroom, a few days after hurting the same damn knee on the deck.

    Yeah. I keep thinking I’ve paid the universe my ample debts but the universe clearly has more bills to be paid.

    Grateful For:

    -Gotten back to the habit of leaving a bit of food on my plate
    -I have the blessing of being home tomorrow to cook when it suits me instead of squeezing it in after a long day of work elsewhere.
    -reruns of Friends. I forgot how much I missed that show!

Godspeed Y’all and Happy Cooking!

The End

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights that hindsight provides.

Quick recap, the purpose of vlogging this process. The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started over a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling.

Please share your experiences, sources or research!