There are plenty of methods people use to determine when the garlic is ready for harvest, with bulbs of appropriate size. Some people use the calendar. Depending on your region in the U.S., you may harvest garlic after Memorial Day, or after the 4th of July. Others wait 2 weeks after the scapes of the hardneck garlic are harvested, or leave the scapes to bloom, harvesting when the bulbils form. I’ve done a bit of exploratory digging, taking a peek at the size and harvesting when large enough.
Through my peek-a-boo digging and harvest, I’ve discovered my garlic are ready to harvest when five leaves (counting from the bottom), have died and dried.
Harvesting Garlic by the Rule of Five

Notice in the photo above, I harvested this garlic when five leaves were completely dead and dried.
That’s literally it . Pretty easy!
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