Well, South Dakota Got Some Weather….May 11 and 12, 2022

Haboob storm south dakota 12 may 2022
12 May 2022 – Storm Incoming – view from porch – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th deadlysin

Not sure if it is technically a haboob, but it is wind blown soil, in a high wall. The skies turned black as this moved over the house.

This reminds me of the photos I’ve seen of the Dakotas in the 1930’s, dirty thirties. You are looking at a wall of South Dakota topsoil being blown in by a large line of storms that came from central Nebraska.

But, the thing is, this was less damaging than what happened the day before. On May 11th, around the same time, a small tornado came through and took out fences and shingles across the street, then hopped over to this property and threw around a patio table, leaving it in parts on the deck. Parts of other’s people property were scattered around the yard.

The system that moved through yesterday supposedly had no tornadoes at that time, but there were numerous tiny spin-ups as the line moved through. Looking at the radar as the storm moved over the house, there is a telltale notch that popped up and then faded, in about a minute.

Video of May 12th storm, the more impressive, yet less damaging, day.

Video Credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin


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  1. Pingback:One Helluva Severe Weather Weekend - South Dakota May 29 and 30. 8th Deadly Sin

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