Tomato Talk – Midnight Sun versus True Colors?

I tried both tomatoes last year, just for the heck of it. As though I need an excuse to plant more tomatoes. I got lucky that I had perfectly ripe fruit from both plants, at the same time. Plants grown nearby each other, in identical conditions.

All seeds grown in the high wind prairie, Midwest, in macro-climate zone 5(ish). Average dewpoint in summer is around 60. Soil is a loamy clay. Although my preference is organic, I have used commercial fertilizers from time to time. Growing days are approximately 135.

Both of these tomatoes were bred by Karen Olivier, a tomato breeder in Canada, True North Tomatoes.

Midnight Sun and True Colors Tomato
Midnight Sun (left) and True Colors Tomato (right) – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin
Midnight Sun (left) and True Colors Tomato (right) - photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin
Midnight Sun (left) and True Colors Tomato (right) – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin

Both tomato plants germinated well under a week indoors on a heat mat. The seedlings were strong. Plants require staking yet neither plant got overly tall, around 5′. Production differed between the two plants. Midnight Sun was not very productive (perhaps five fruits), while True Colors was of average production, much better than Midnight Sun. Both plants were healthy and did not succumb to late season diseases earlier than any of the other tomato plants. The fruit of both tomato plants is visually stunning, a photographer’s dream.

Flavor. Both tomatoes were meaty with few seeds and well balanced in flavor. The True Colors tomato had a more concentrated sweet flavor.


True Colors Tomato  - photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin
True Colors Tomato – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin

Many seed vendors offer Karen Olivier’s tomatoes. I encourage everyone to do their own taste test!

The End

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