Series – My Future Self Journaling – 17F

How my 30 day challenges went today:

One thing I have been doing as part of this 30 day challenge is engaging in activities The Sps likes, so we do more things together. I like that The Sps has different interests than I do, as I like having my own thing and I enjoy learning new games and past-times. A key function of attraction is that my partner is interesting and is a profound thinker. When I have a partner with many interests different than I do, there can often be something new to talk about too, and I love few things more than scintillating conversation.

The Sps loves Kurt Vonnegut. His genre did not seem to be my thing but being game, I picked up and began to read Slaughterhouse Five. Nope, not for me. I can’t do war stories. I tried a few times and couldn’t get into the first few chapters, at all. The Sps was sad about it, wanting to share something he loves, with me. So I am trying again. A different book though. I am currently reading A Man Without a Country, from Vonnegut. I am enjoying it and The Sps is thrilled. Thanks to The Sps, I read a collection of short stories written by Neil Gaiman and found another author to appreciate.

I’ll read more Neil Gaiman after Vonnegut. The Sps will love it, I will enjoy it.

(and it gives me more reading to log)

Other challenges met, I am getting my logging done still. Four whole days in a row!! I met my watch step goal but not my personal step goal. Started day with squash casserole, a double helping, so got my veggies in. Five reasons to make healthy choices:

  1. Stress reduction, better for body and mind. Especially breathing exercises. Inhale on One, exhale. If the mind wanders, bring it back to repeating “one” on the inhale.
  2. Setting an example for healthy choices helps your circle.
  3. Now that winter is here, re-started taking vitamin D. Thanks random reddit for the reminder!
  4. It’s good for the kiddo and family overall to focus more on the holiday spirit. We bought our Christmas tree. The Sps picked it out, he did well.
  5. The body loves the veggies! Feels good getting close to or meeting the daily fiber goal.

Grateful for:

-a near miss! I feel bad for my neighbor though. Some asshole drove through their yard and took out our mailboxes! The cam video shows them turning onto the lawn and aiming right for the mailboxes, launching them into the street. In pieces now. Not sure how I’ll get my mail, I’ll figure it out tomorrow in the daylight. At least I didn’t have some degenerate come feet from driving into my house or cars!

-I am not a fan of driving in any snow. I know, I know, why do I live here where the air hurts my face. In particular, not a fan of driving in a winter storm to pick up kiddo at the high school where hundred of teenage drivers are navigating the first snowfall of the year. And for some fifteen and sixteen year olds? This will be the first time they drive in snow at all. NO THANK YOU. I am grateful The Sps is on board with just keeping kiddo home if school isn’t called off, and it likely won’t be. I mean, if all the coursework is online anyway… Grateful for that too.

-No Covid. Still. Omicron thus far seems to be a far milder virus. THAT is worthy of daily gratefuls!

Godspeed Y’all.

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights.

Quick recap, the purpose of vlogging this process. The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started over a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling.

Example of Future Self Journaling

The End.

Please share your experiences, sources or research!