Series – Future Self Journaling – 27E – Lazy Sunday

A Haiku

Did nothing today

But sleep, eat and sleep again

Now write, solitaire

I fell. Off the streak I had of no night snacking. Off the path of IF. Off the seven serving of veggies or fruit a day train. And I fell on my deck, through my deck, actually. I guess the board that needed to be replaced soon, was actually saying replace me right away. Godspeed my knee. Pretty sure my neighbors caught it on camera so that’s lovely. At least it was just my leg and my whole self didn’t fall through. Future self not being helped by all this falling, nor procrastinating.

To my credit, I have been back on track for weeks or months now starting day with water and veggie/fruit. Getting back into this blogging is beyond helpful. I am coming across hints and tips I let drop to the wayside. It’s affirming to me to read about my past successes. If we did it once, we can surely do it again.

Grateful For:

-no chocolate in the house, nor crackers.

-an exceptionally productive week getting some of the more onerous tasks done.

-kiddo did a thing we have been waiting for kiddo to have to courage to do. Love ya!

-most productive week I have ever had with my writing

Is it just me or does it sound like I am successfully righting the ship?

Godspeed ya’ll!

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights.

The End

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