Series – Future Self Journaling – 15C – Clementine – Journaling Prompts

Reviewing some Future Self Journaling questions and prompts I have found helpful. Grab your notebook!

  1. Identify behaviors that are helpful to change.
  2. List all the lovely ways life looks once you change your behavior.
  3. Visualize your day as your future self at goal.
  4. Look for opportunities every day to demonstrate change.
  5. Construct a supportive environment that supports change.

I would also like to take a moment to recognize some recent successes.

  1. The biggest one, no evening/night snacking!
  2. Also big, stayed within my calorie budget.
  3. Met my veggie goals, with one of my favorite salads. It was HUMONGUS. Seriously, I think it was 7-8 cups of greens. Love a BAS.
  4. Was a higher word count writing day.
  5. Stress levels been very low past few days. I have WELL over 81 million of you to thank for your part in lowering the stress of so many of us. I’ve been working very hard to reduce stress over the past few years, and most days successfully. To have that stress even lower, not only for myself, but for literally millions of others is a blessing and yes, I am grateful!

    I am also grateful for:

    -seeing the fruits of my effort. The scale was *lovely* to me this morning!
    -getting some fun seeds in the mail. Orange Accordion tomato!! I have too many seeds and we gardeners always tell ourselves No More Seeds when we procure what we need. But have you seen that tomato???
    -not being aghast over how hateful, ugly and racist the President is.

    Godspeed y’all!

The Future Self Journal includes this weblog entry as one of my first 30 days challenges I completed months ago, and am still practicing.

Please share your experiences, sources or research!