Series – Future Self Journaling – 1G – Idea for 30 Day Challenge

Before revealing the newest idea for 30 day challenge, let’s review the previous 30 day challenge tasks:

A. This weblog (successful)
B. Tracking using my spreadsheets (better than it was, but still needs work)
C. Fruit or Veggie to start the day (most days)
D. Sps Attention (successful)
E. Scribble down five reasons so make healthier choices, each day. (most days I do this automatically in my head, improvement from first round)
F. Revisit Spouse Attention, using info gained in first round. (mostly successful, December is a really busy month and I don’t feel like I made as much time as I could have)

I suppose coming to January in a week would mean a food/diet challenge of some sort, but I am going in another direction. January has always been my best month for shedding holiday pounds, caring about my health like I do in the summer, and cooking healthy meals. So no need for a challenge of that sort. My challenge this month is dressing nice every day. The Spouse Attention challenge reminded me that I have all these lovely clothes (date night was fun), yet I usually spend the day in something closer to pj’s. Not completely pajamas, but too casual. Very comfy, flowy dresses. Not dressy dresses, but dresses you can wipe wet hands on and don’t care if you get something on the dress as you cook and clean during the day. A housedress, but not as frumpy. I also received more clothing for Christmas! Universe telling me something.

So why don’t I try a month wearing actual fitted clothing? Seems shitty to keep them while other people would appreciate them more than I. After this 30 days, I will donate what I truly won’t wear.

G. Wearing my lovely clothes instead of rotating through the cheap stuff.

Review of the Last 30 Day Challenge – Revisit Spouse Attention

Overall good, with room for improvement. Well, we had the rare date night. We ate at one of our favorite restaurants, had an amazing server and the food was beyond. And the raspberry margarita on the rocks was AMAZE. We had some together time doing some last minute gift shopping he needed to do. I made more of an effort to help him with one of his projects. I still get into bed and snuggle him asleep before I get on the computer. I didn’t think I was as attached to electronics recently as I have been, so it’s important I be present when appropriate. I took extra care buying him Christmas gifts that showed that I listen and care.

I know the idea of the money wasted buying me clothing I rarely wear is a stress for him. Challenge G helps address that annoyance. A valid one, imo. I remember buying clothing for my kids, NICE clothes and when those pants and shirts stayed tucked in the back of the dresser… Buying clothes and not wearing them seems a ridiculous luxury. So Miss Spoiled Housewife here will be addressing that particular first world problem.

Grateful For:

-I made use of feeling happy and energized by Christmas celebrating to go ahead and pack away the ornaments and holiday decorations. All that’s left as the holiday chore is dragging the pine tree out back to shed it’s needles where the blueberry patch will be. I usually put Christmas away on the 25th or 26th of December, after all the festivities wrap up. I need the space in my living room back!

-the Traffic Gods were smiling on us today. Mostly green lights and very few cars on the road. It was getting slippy, so far away cars is always on my grateful list.

-My children were spoiled by everyone this year. Seriously. One kiddo has gifts as a love language and it was spoken today!! Blessed beyond measure for all they have been given.

Godspeed Y’all!

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights.

The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started over a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling.

The End

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