Series – Future Self Journal 13E – Rituals for Living Workbook – New Work

This is the second installment of the Rituals for Living Workbook work, the next three questions. Rituals for Living Dreambook written by Peter Borten and Briana Borten. My kids bought me this book early last year.

Connect Q4. What are you ready to let go of – habits, attitudes, obligations, beliefs, outdated goals ect – that is not serving you? Oof, um…I know there are things I would like to let go of, but am I ready to? I am a messy person, and have already taken a few steps to be tidier i.e. putting something away now instead of later, doing the dishes right after dinner instead of later in the evening or the morning. My bedroom and office is getting out of hand. I genuinely try to keep it more organized, but I just do not have an effective system in place to keep it that way. There are other facets of happiness I know I need to work on, but I am either already doing to work and showing up daily, or I am not ready yet.

Connect Q5. What do you want to explore more deeply? Explore why I am becoming more people avoidant as I age, as I am bettering myself and able to be a more gentle friend and involved person.

Connect Q6. What would make life ridiculously fun? Engage with the silliness around me instead of sometimes being annoyed by it. People being dramatic (as I see it) strikes me as attention seeking and triggers….something in me. I am trying to reframe that situation as people trying to inject some silliness and fun into the environment instead of someone trying to pull me out of whatever I am set on doing/feeling in that moment.

I am Grateful for:

-workbooks. Seriously. I am finding them so helpful.

-a nice day to do garden work as I have less than 48 hours until a hard frost.

-my patience. I have been faced with a unique and challenging life circumstance and I am being FAR more patient than I ever imagined I’d have the ability to be. Just WOW.

Godspeed Y’all!

Please share your experiences, sources or research!