It’s Small Project Week!

Infrastructure week, lol.

Two week ago was large project week. I stained the deck, detailed my car, took refuse to the landfill, steam-cleaned some carpets. Some good things to get done.

This week I have a list of many smaller projects to complete. It’ll be great for those of us who like the satisfaction of lists and marking items off those lists.

  1. Manage compost bin, cut strips of paper bag for browns. DONE
  2. Prune peppers and attach to stakes. DONE
  3. Balanced Fertilizer for vertical garden, remove peas. DONE
  4. Balance fertilizer and BT spray for cabbages. DONE
  5. Update chop and drop article, TAKE VIDEO. Add corn husks and greens gone bitter.
  6. Cut scapes, get an inventory of garlic and storage or rounds. Are we having bulbils this year?
  7. Update Experiment articles.
  8. Weed, Weed, and Weed DONE
  9. FSJ
  10. Weed and spray the sidewalk and driveway cracks. DONE
  11. Take Grandpa’s weeder for a ride. DONE
  12. Mow and Mulch. Front DONE
  13. Train vines. DONE
  14. Bury roots, TAKE VIDEO. DONE
  15. Clean-ish garage. DONE
  16. Arrange pots. DONE
  17. Harvest, TAKE VIDEO.
  18. Touch EVERY garden. DONE
  19. Edit 1 video a day. MON DONE/TUES DONE/WED DONE/THURS DONE/
  20. Touch up deck stain.
  21. Sully, TAKE VIDEO.
  22. Redo some apple bags. DONE
  23. Move Iris.
  24. Herb Spiral, TAKE VIDEO. DONE
  25. Grape vine pruning and securing. DONE
  26. Plant red petunias. DONE
  27. Break down boxes. DONE
  28. Research encouraging variegated tomato plants to blossom.
  29. Learn Gin Rummy.
  30. Clean fridge.

~The End


Please share your experiences, sources or research!