Overview of Previous Mind Mapping Task
Overview of current task, Breaking Down the Mind-Maps. Beginning with the 1 year goal, choose one or more of the selected goals. Each goal chosen will require brainstorming, with actionable steps and projects listed that will advance that particular goal. Include dates by which each task should be completed. Keep in the forefront the Why this goal is important to your life.

This installment, I am completing the Lifetime Mind Map. When mind-mapping the timeframe goals, pick two or three goals and break them down into specific tasks with specific deadlines. The goal I am mind mapping today is Legacy.
Legacy. Why is this important to me as a lifetime goal. Bluntly, because it helps feed the positive behaviors needed to be the person I want to be. Ignoring my legacy was selfish, as it doesn’t care about the parts you leave behind for others to clean up. I’m more than a bit late. It’s beneficial to my children to expand my circle to include more people who share my values.
- Let people throw you a large party for your next milestone birthday. Get comfortable with the idea. Deadline – that birthday.
- Become more involved with my extended family. Reach out via letter and phone calls, not email nor text. Deadline Dec 2022
- Complete a vision board reflecting what I want my legacy to be. May 2023.
- Make sure all loose ends are tied up for family and friends. Feb 2023 and continuing.
- Publish one story a year. Beginning Dec 2022.
- Be the change I seek. Right now.
- Do a word cloud, art for the other children and self. Dec 2022
- Write about the good things I’ve done. Why hide them? Now and continuing.
- Attend a family reunion. When opportunity presents.
I hope you found this helpful. I can feel the wheels turning so I’ll likely be adding to this.
Grateful for:
-wow, there is so much to be grateful for.
-a reliable car that runs like a dream. It’s so nice to have a vehicle you can trust to run during these winters!
-traffic gods helping me out today
-Covid is WANING y’all! I think it’s for real this time! (knock on all the wood).
Content written a few weeks or months prior to ensure a true series and to share insights.
Quick recap, the purpose of vlogging this process. The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started over a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling.
The End