Dahlia Love – Belle of Barmera

The pinker cousin of Labyrinth, how could I not fall in love with this gorgeous flower.

21 Belle of Barmera Dahlia - photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG
21 Belle of Barmera Dahlia – photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG PEAK BLOOM

All seeds grown in the high wind, lower rain prairie, Midwest, in macro-climate zone 5(ish). Average dewpoint in summer is around 60. Soil is a loamy clay. Although my preference is organic, I have used commercial fertilizers from time to time. Growing Days approximately 135. Gardening Personality: Relaxed, experimental, purist about very little. We practice High Intensity gardening.

2022 Belle of Barmera - photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG
2022 Belle of Barmera – photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG

This dahlia is classified as a Dinnerplate, meaning the blooms are large. In my garden, the Belle of Barmera blooms are approximately 9″ across. The plant itself is about 4-5′ tall, and blooms at the end of August and continues to bloom until frost. For my area, I would say it is a mid-season dahlia. Because my season is shorter for dahlias, I do not pinch off (or top) the dahlia plant. Yet I will be experimenting with topping this coming garden season in an attempt to encourage more blooms.

My personal growing notes for dahlias. When choosing a location, I avoid any area that may collect standing water. Err on the side of too dry over too wet if the perfect spot isn’t available. My dahlias do best with about 8 hours of sun. I do plant dahlias where they will get some shade as it provides more vibrant colors, with less washing out of the blooms. I plant the tubers either inside in late March or outside in mid May, once the soil can maintain an average of 50 degrees. I plant my tubers a foot apart from each other, the recommended spacing is 12-18 inches between each tuber. Lay the tuber down in the soil, eye/sprout pointing up. If you can’t find the eye, or plant it “wrong”, no worries. The sprout will always find its sun.

I do not water the tubers in, nor water at all until green shoots are a few inches above the soil. Dahlia tubers are just fussy. They do not like to be wet and will rot at even the slightest opportunity. I do not plant the tubers with any fertilizers. The tuber will feed the baby plant. Once the plants are about a foot tall, I will give them some potassium and a balanced NPK fertilizer, as soil tests indicate my soil is K deficient. I mulch the plant with leaves and grass clippings. Dahlia stems are delicate and break at joints and at the soil line, so I recommend staking early, and gently.

2019 Belle of Barmera Bud - photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG
2019 Belle of Barmera Bud – photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG

Important Note on Dahlias in Bouquets: Dahlias do not open further once cut from the plant. They also do not last very long in bouquets, less than a week. Best practice is to harvest the bloom when 3/4 of the petals have fully unfurled, peak bloom. Check the back of the flower, it should still be green and firm, with no browning petals.

Back of dahlia and PEAK BLOOM - Pick me! - photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG
Back of dahlia and PEAK BLOOM – Pick me! – photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG
Belle of Barmera Dahlia – photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin ORG

Join me in the Garden!

The End

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