Series – Future Self Journal – 9B – Self Control

I have made a lot of changes in the past many years. Where before I would just dive straight into the deep dark, yet refreshing waters of vindictiveness when I felt attacked (which was often), now I take many many moments to reflect before speaking. I am not cured of this disease, but I am …

Series – Future Self Journal – 8B – I’m Still Here

Today a few people on the outside periphery of my little circle popped up Covid positive today. STAY BACK. I don’t care to see the erosion of the safety I treasure here in my properly disinfected bubble. The Sps works outside the home, which I hate. He has a job that can be done from …

Series – Future Self Journal – 7B – Recipe Hunting – Vegetarian

I kicked ass yesterday and today. I completed a 25 hour fast. It actually was far easier than my usual fasts. I shoot for completing an 18/6 intermittent fast, pushing for a 20/4 if it works with the day. This time, I ate all my calories between 10 and 11 AM and didn’t eat again …

Series – Future Self Journal – 6B – Pacman Puppy

My dog eats crap. Literally. Every walk, he is a little pacman, scooping up the plentiful trails of bunny poop at the speed I walk him. He also enjoys eating his own crap, the crap of other dogs, rocks, tissues and a pair of crumpled up panties that were inexplicably balled up in someone’s yard. …

Series – Future Self Journal – 5B – Frisson!

I love learning new words! Frisson. Definition: a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear; a thrill. Word is used to describe a feeling when experiencing an audio or visual event that causes a physical response, i.e. chills. I also love reddit, because I learn new words. Some of them very bad. Last night when …

Series – Future Self Journal – 4B – Dreams of Tornadoes

I have a dream that pops up on occasion, but recently weekly. I am near a building. Sometimes a house, sometimes a small business, often a busy mall, the kind that was busy and bustling in the 80’s. I am having a conversation with someone, usually a stranger. They call my attention to storms in …

Series – Future Self Journal – 3B – Not a Vegetarian BUT

I challenged myself to menu plan and follow through with eating vegetarian for a few days in a row, instead of scattering a vegetarian day between meat, pork and poultry days. Per the diet we loosely follow, a frankenstein DASH/Mediterranean/MIND plan, we have already cut red meat down to one-two days a week and we …

Series – Future Self Journal – Review of the Journal Exercise

Dr. Nicole LePera has provided permission for her Future Self Journal information to be shared without first requesting permission. To get the information from the source, the website is: She has updated some of the prompts for Future Self Journaling, changes I have found far clearer and effective. So, what do you need to …

Series – Future Self Journaling – 1B -Count Your Blessings

New Task, involving Excel spreadsheets. Sounds SO DANG EXCITING. Actually, for OCD (diagnosed, not hyperbole) list makers like myself, it is almost cheating. I tracked different aspect of my life by spreadsheet before and I already had a template I used before. Going into updating the spreadsheet, it hit me how much in all our …