Task E was listing five reason each day to make healthy choices. I did not complete the challenge each day, but I did manage to complete the task enough times to compile a nice reference for myself. And hopefully for you too. You’ll find the “healthy” references body and mind as their relationship regarding our health is symbiotic.
-Happy kidneys need more water and less red meat
-Seeing Goal Met on my watch makes me smile
-Feels good to Earn The Tired at the end of the day
-New wardrobe awaits. Lingerie? Uh YEAH.
-The more veggies I grow, the more I have to eat and share!
-Healthy routines provide peace of mind.
-Meeting goals creates good feelings.
-A calmer environment means a lower blood pressure, also good for fussy kidneys.
-Less control creates more opportunities for trust building.
-Because I deserve a healthy body and mind.
-Healthy routines assist with peace of mind. Did better considering the disruption otherwise.
-Feels good to meet fiber goals. As fiber met through fruits and vegetables, I am getting a ton of macro and micro nutrients as well.
-Getting errands done, as annoying as it is, also provides peace of mind. Healthy car = healthy family, peace of mind. BLESSED.
-Working in the sunshine (raking) is Walking in Sunshine!
-Flu shot – obvious healthy choice.
-Diabetes. Have been eating like a starving monkey these past few days and now I am tired and just feel like ass all around. Diabeetus runs in the family…can we NOT?
-When the universe gives you a nice day in November, YOU GO OUTSIDE. Thank the gods.
-The pride that comes with good choices feels so amazing.
-Makes for a happier environment for all when your mentals are in the correct mindset
-Because when you make unhealthy choices, you start doing dumb shit like thinking Joe Rogan knows more about vaccines than 98% of medical professionals.
-I am so damn tired of being really tired.
-Seeking laughter is great therapy.
-What happened to the daily hugs? Refocus family!
-I am far more productive when I focus on my health. My work and tasks are great distractions from some of my unhealthy habits.
-Because I will live longer if I make healthier choices.
-Gotta look good in my new clothing!
-I will mentally feel good when I look good in a new outfit.
-There is a LOT of fruit in the fridge. Why not be budget conscious and eat it?
-Fall and winter can make me sad as no garden. Is best for the body and mind to keep busy.
–Be the change you seek, amirite?
Godspeed and Good Health Y’all!
Onto the next challenge!
Quick recap to orient what is going on… The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started almost a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. Task E was listing reasons each day to make healthy choices.
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