Series – Future Self Journaling – 19C – Banana

I made the best enchilada’s I’ve ever had last night. I created a new recipe for red sauce as I couldn’t find a recipe for exactly what I wanted. I always assumed an enchilada, technically, was a tortilla filled with whatever, covered in a tomato sauce. Wiki said I was close. A traditional enchilada is a corn tortilla filled with meat and covered with a tomato sauce. We Americans have taken that base and run with it.

Interestingly, a few highly rated red enchilada sauce recipes I found online had no tomato in the recipe. Not raw, not cooked and not even tomato paste. Didn’t feel correct to me, but I like to add as many veggies as possible into my recipes, so that is where my mind goes. My enchilada sauce has both tomato paste and diced tomato. I used a flour tortilla stuffed with refried beans, ground beef seasoned with poblano peppers and fresh corn. A bit of cheese inside and on top. Plus the red sauce. I served the enchiladas with a spicy green sauce crema I created. Tomatillo salsa with avocado, lime and sour cream, blended smooth and seasoned with SnP to taste.

Yeah, it was amazing. The Sps said it rated up there with my spring rolls, something he would go to a restaurant just to order that dish specifically. Yeah, I’ll post the recipe one day, once I make it again and remember to take a photo.


Grateful for:

1. Covid free still.

2. Instacart order going extraordinarily well. Communicative shopper, who chose fresh items very well.

3. Somehow the grocery store had excellent fresh corn for my enchiladas. In January. Up north.

Godspeed Y’all!

The Future Self Journal includes this weblog entry as one of my first 30 days challenges I completed months ago, and am still practicing.

Please share your experiences, sources or research!