Series – Future Self Journaling – 3 – Input!

Third day consecutive last night, journaling as required. These updates will never be long, as the journaling task itself is a delightful quick hit.

I start each journal entry with the following statement:

TV off, phone is charging.

I have made strides in the past few years to cut down significantly on social media. If I think of my brain as either a computer or a whole body, which it is both, it stands to reason that a singular rule applies. What you put into it is what you will get out of it. While I was quite picky with who was invited or accepted onto my friends list, I did not like giving that much information to Facebook to use for what I perceived as disingenuous purpose. So Facebook has been gone for years now. I only miss it when I come across the rare business who only has a FB presence. I am aware that Instagram falls under the Zuck umbrella. I feel it’s influence is vastly more positive and I use it far less than I used facebook. And interestingly, I get far less advertisements and other crap content in my feed. When I do get an ad, it’s usually for a business I would actually purchase product from, and have.

The purpose of my current journaling task, a daily post about journaling, operates under the same rule. My website will provide for me (outlet, writing practice) what I put into this site.

So I feel very good; today I feel like I chose my journaling topic excellently.

Side benefit. An A day. Kept to my fasting schedule, went past 18 hours and knocked out a 21 hour, actually. I also took a walk with Mr. Dookie Django Chicharron, as much as I hate the cold.

For Day Three, I am grateful for:

  1. Got dishes done AND I get a new dishwasher delivered and installed in a few days!
  2. The Sps is doomscrolling far less than he has been. Partially a function of the times we are in and the purposes he had for doomscrolling, partly because I addressed the issue previously, pointing out the negativity that followed the behavior, and because I began ignoring everything he sent me that was negative. I grey-rocked his doomscrolling. In any case, I am extraordinarily grateful The Sps is doomscrolling less.
  3. Homeschooling going well, kiddo’s hard work earned him two 100% grades this week!

    Back to watching Triple D, food porn episode

    Godspeed y’all.

Please share your experiences, sources or research!