Series – Future Self Journal – 2

This is exciting! I get to report that I am currently completing day 2 task of journaling.

The second day was much faster, and I did not take 3 short pages of notes to cement the rules in my mind. I asked again for The Sps to join me, but he declined, for his own private reasons.

Five minute tops. I already do gratefulness exercises throughout my day so that question is an easy task. Have I shared with you the gospel of gratefulness exercises? Changed my life and my spirit, I kid you not. If you make it a habit to spend a few minutes a night discussing with yourself all you are grateful for, even if you start with small blessings, soon you look around your world, your day, for items to add to the list. Which leads you to look for the positive, hence having a calming impact on your thoughts and mindset.

I highly recommend gratefulness exercises, and share my experience with them to anyone it makes sense to share the experience with. Fast and free!

As a side benefit, I was able to stay more closely aligned with my health goals, for a second day in a row (yes, we celebrate baby successes here), even though that is not the task I chose for FSJ.

I am grateful for:

-The ability and eyesight to read
-My bed, it’s literally a nest of pillows
-A warm home
-A sibling willing to grab things shopping as Target is a NO NO Place
-No COVID in the family
-My neighbor handling the shoveling issue so I can stop being anxious and confrontational about it.
-Homeschooling going much better, the cooperation between we home teachers is enriching for all involved.

Godspeed Y’all.

Please share your experiences, sources or research!