Yale Coursera The Science of Well Being – Final Assignment Tracking

Rewirement Chosen – “Exercise – increasing your physical activity to at least 30 minutes a few times a week”

Tracking Plan:

I will track all four weeks on this one page, updating after each addition. I feel that the tracking of any activity should be the easiest and most tailored part of a process to your specific needs. If you are already challenging yourself, let the tracking part be the least stressful part of the process.

Why Choose Exercise?

Currently, we are transitioning into fall. I spend less time outside, getting less of that sweet sweet vitamin D. As my physical activity begins to reduce naturally, it could use a bump. I’ve seen some nice health benefits from increased activity; it makes sense to accept the help of this challenge.

I like the challenge of a few other rewirements, yet I am already tracking some as part of the Future Self Journaling and holistic therapy process. It felt redundant to add more of the same.

What is Your Exercise Plan?

Per the assignment, I will go on walks specifically for exercise for 30 minutes consecutive, at least 4 times a week. Alternately, I can do my favorite workout videos if the weather is unfavorable.

I will list the days I meet the assignment parameters below:

  1. Wednesday Sep 15th, 1.5 mi walk, 31 minutes.
  2. Monday Sep 19th, 1.4 mi walk, 30 minutes
  3. Thursday Sep 22nd, 1.6 mi walk, 35 minutes
  4. Saturday Sep 23rd, 1.57 mi walk, 30 minutes
  5. Monday Sep 26th, 1.35 mi walk, 30 minutes
  6. Monday October 3rd, 1.6 mi walk, 30 minutes
  7. Friday October 7th, 1.5 mi, 35 minutes, hike along a local trail
  8. Monday October 10th, 1.4mi, 28 minutes
  9. Sunday October 16th, 1.5 mi, 31 minutes, walk along local bike trail

    I’ve exercised often, almost daily, taking walks and doing my weight bearing exercises, but not for 30 minutes consecutive, so I did not count those events.



A tracking sheet is provided should anyone wish to track on paper, below.


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The End

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