Summer Squash

Zucchini – Costata Romanesco
Zucchini – Cocozelle
Zucchini – Golden Zebra
Scallop – Mix
Yellow Crookneck
Winter Squash
Cucurbita Moschata – of the three primary squash cultivars, the thicker stems of the C.Moschata assist greatest in it’s resistance to the squash vine borer successfully burrowing into the plant, compared to the other two.

Musquee de Provence – 3 plants – a Favorite. Variety most resistant to the SVB, in my yard.
ButterBush – 2 plants – Tried before but SVB’s like it a bit too much compared to other C.Moschata. I’ll try again.
Italian Winter Squash – First Year. yeah, it had Italian in the name, so we are trying it.
Long Pie Pumpkin – Impulse buy.
Orange Butternut – It’s ridiculously pretty.
Violina – I had the seeds and had room for another C.Moschata

Cucurbita Pepo – Many summer squashes fall under this cultivar. In the middle as the favorite of the SVB, in my particular yard. A few winter squashes below are also C.Pepo.
Delicata – 2 plants. Not enough for a meal, not meaty, but the flavor is wonderful, and it is consistently the first winter squash ripe.
Kakai – New impulse buy for variety sake.
Lil Jack – Too cute! Only reason I am trying it.
Sweet Dumpling – A cute and sweet little acorn squash. Quite prolific.
Winter Luxury – Impulse buy for variety sake.
Cucurbita Maxima – The absolute tasty favorite of the squash vine borer. I have successfully harvested many C.Maxima squash, but never without a fight. Many fancy large pumpkins are C.Maxima.

Galeux D’Eysines – My very first fancy squash. My first love of a fancy squash, it was so delicious! Also my first exposure to the heartbreak of the squash vine borer. I consider it “my” signature squash.
Jarrahdale – Wanted a blue squash. New to me.
Red Kuri – One the tastiest squashes, and sometimes one can harvest one or two before the SVB kills the plant.
Red Kuri Mix – 2 – Seeing if I can do Red Kuri hybrid, but that is a long shot. Sometimes I just like to play in the garden.
Rouge Vif d’Etampes – the Cinderella pumpkin. Just gorgeous.
State Fair – New to me. 3-5 seeds came from a state fair winning pumpkin.
Big Max – Another potential record breaker. The SVB makes sure it won’t get far, but I do love to try.
The End