Singing the Praises of the Pink Tiger Tomato

Pink Tiger Tomato photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin
Pink Tiger Tomato – photo credit C.Elisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin

This grape tomato is not only tasty and juicy, but very pretty. No surprise, as Fred Hempel at Artisan Seeds, who created this tomato, is the master of hearty picture-perfect tomatoes that satisfy a most discerning sweet tooth. I prefer lower acid, high sugar tomatoes. Pink Tiger is one of the sweetest tomatoes I have ever tasted. It is a must grow and has been for at least four years now. Pink Tiger is a favorite of mine and The Sps. As well as anyone else I have converted to loving these sweet little babies.

~ Singing the Praises of the Pink Tiger Tomato


The plants are tall and wispy, doing best with some strong staking. The plants are extraordinarily prolific, ensuring at least some of this sweet harvest will actually make it into the house. The health of seedlings and plants is good. Harvest is in August for my area, if plants are started in March/April and planted out in mid to late May.

Seeds initially purchased from Johnny’s seeds also sells Pink Tiger, but I found them larger and with a less intense flavor when I planted Johnny’s seeds in 2020, closer to Blush than an actual Pink Tiger.

Fred Hempel’s seed site:


Pink Tiger tomato - photo credit CElisabeth at 8th Deadly Sin
Pink Tiger tomatoes 2018 – Artisan Seeds


A video review of snacking tomatoes, including Pink Tiger

The End

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