Series – My Future Self Journaling – 5D

I DID 6k steps.

I DID give the dog a bath

I DID start the day with a walk.

I DID start the day with some fruit, clementine today!

I am grateful for:

-COVID free!
-my sibling
-BBQ chicken, baked potato and a salad.

Godspeed Y’all!

EDIT: Dang this is boring (this was written months ago). It meets my challenge, journaling. I do have some more interesting content coming up though, thank the gods. I am posting in order as written and added a new journaling guide I am very excited to share for E. Which will be soon as Challenge D was cut short once garden season arrived. Looking back I can see I was winding down about now, distracted by garden shores. Stay with me and Thank you!

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights.

Quick recap to orient what is going on… The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started almost a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling. The Rituals for Live Dreambook was given to me by my children, so why not add this to my blogging/future self journaling time? Not sponsored, I am not compensated for any of this…I might add an affiliate link, someday. But nothing yet.

The End

Please share your experiences, sources or research!