Series – Future Self Journaling – 8E – 30 Day Challenges

Revamp and review.

To revisit the challenges:

A. This weblog
B. Tracking using my spreadsheets
C. Fruit or Veggie to start the day
D. Sps Attention
C. Write down five reasons to makes healthier choices

As my last post references, the past couple of weeks, I have been wildly off track all habits, routines and schedules. I need this challenge review. Some habits are set, even through upheaval. I make my bed, drink a good amount of water and the spouse is getting more attention than he can handle. I need to recommit to the DASH/MIND diet. I am prepping for the last harvest, which will fill my already busting table with more vegetables.

Today, my reasons to make healthier choices are;

-Happy kidneys need more water and less red meat

-Seeing Goal Met on my watch makes me smile

-Feels good to Earn The Tired at the end of the day

-New wardrobe awaits. Lingerie? Uh YEAH.

-The more veggies I grow, the more I have to eat and share!

I need to remember that mental health choices are just as important, I hope I make that a focus tomorrow.

Today, I am grateful for:

  1. One more nice day before the frost hits!
  2. That the leaf drop is delayed, as there are only so many big garden jobs I can do in a day
  3. The Sps have really done well with daily setting intention recently. Been so very helpful!

Godspeed y’all!

Please share your experiences, sources or research!