Series – Future Self Journaling – 6E

New car, lost iPod that had all my music loaded up into it and my new phone is acting up. It doesn’t want to allow texts to go through unless I am in my house. Very annoying. Yes, the settings have been checked and double checked. My phone is just an asshole. Caused a huge mess when I was running late as an “I’m running behind” text to the kiddo never went through, kiddo is waiting, texts his Dad, who can’t get a hold of me until he is leaving work to pick up kiddo and calls me. He is in the parking lot of his work and I am in the parking lot of the school literally watching kid climb into the backseat when his call came though.

It was a thing for about a minute. Three annoyed people. I get to be extra annoyed because I can’t get my stupid phone to play any music in my car. Last phone did it just fine…

Grateful for:

-the Aux setting and finding a cord to play music from phone to car that way

-XMSirius radio

-the one minute argument stayed only one minute. Kiddo picked up, all is well.

-this outlet. Sometimes you just gotta get it out. Whine, whine, whine.

Godspeed y’all


The Future Self Journal includes this weblog entry as one of my first 30 days challenges I completed months ago, and am still practicing. To recap, I am not sponsored by nor is Dr. Nicole LePera or her people even aware I have this blog. Is for my personal use and development.

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