Series – Future Self Journaling – 3E

Blanche Devereaux

HA! Spelled it correctly on the first try.

Tangent…probably spelled correctly as a website I frequent calls their version of slutty chicks “heaux”. Creative.

I watch Golden Girls reruns most nights. The character Rose is just…much. Living in the midwest, I am familiar with the accent and other of her particularities, having grown up in Scandinavian immigrant central. Yet the prairie yokel is a bit eye-rolling. Of all the characters, I identify with her the least. I don’t even like her “good” qualities. l adore Sophia, I get her mulishness regarding loyalty, her passion for family and history. Dorothy, her need to be recognized for her smarts, I get that too.

But Blanche, wow do I love her character. Even better than her lascivious confidence is her wardrobe. Her robes, in particular. Season Four, Episode Two, Blanche is wearing a robe of delicate spring green chiffon, with yellow and pink details. I thought it was a dress! I loved it because it looked like she is wearing a June garden. How lovely!

Someone could make some money reselling her sexy little numbers. Or making that robe into a short flirty summer dress (do THAT). Can a person have too many cute summer dresses? Seriously, if you watch the show, you will see that her primary wardrobe is nighties, nightgowns, robes and day pajamas. All in feminine colors.

I want to be a garden goddess!

Challenges met: Walked 10k steps, took two walks. Completed a 21 hour fast. Stretches done, day started with Candyland tomatoes. Opportunities are consuming more servings of vegetables and completing my tracking charts. I have done quite a bit of writing today, but little of it journaling. I did create a cheat sheet however, not to write on, but to serve as reminder.

Grateful For

-A day that easy allowed time and conditions to get half my steps for the day during a restful morning stroll.

-Fixing a website issue, easily. I switched out a plugin that did not want to work with updated php.

-Studies. The peer reviewed published kind. I had a more impactful reaction to the first vaccine shot of the Moderna than to the second covid vaccine shot. Since most people seemed to have more of a reaction to the second shot, I was curious as to the reason. I found a study published this spring. People who had Covid before, tended to have a greater reaction to the first shot of a two shot series.

I’m gob smacked if this is true in my case. I hope I have never had covid, even if asymtomatic. I was careful to the point of being paranoid. The kiddo was homeschooled. I ordered groceries via instacart. Skipped visits to family, everyone really, for months. The Sps sanitized and changed clothes once coming home from work before his welcome home kiss and dinner.

Might have to test as I am (not) dying of curiosity. Who knows how a covid infection will impact the body systems down the road as they age? Who wants tinnitus, chronic fatigue syndrome, random memory loss and a bad lung scan, decades later? If I did somehow get Covid, it likely had to be through a lower viral load, as I would have been asymptomatic. Just wow.

-Covid free? Right now, at least. I am grateful for the vaccine, every single day. Edit: and now my booster.

-Grateful the vaccine provided by the VA was Moderna, as that was the vaccine I was most comfortable receiving.

-Waking up today with story ideas and knocking out an article in the first 30 minutes of the day!

-The weather, perfect for walking. Temperatures in the upper 60’s. A light breeze to keep the bugs at bay. Sunny, with shape-shifting clouds to admire.

Godspeed y’all!

Please share your experiences, sources or research!