I named this entry, went on with my day, came back this evening and I have no idea where I was going with this. The start of another productive day? A new start now that I have been doing the web journaling for 3 weeks? The Future Self Journal instructions prefer 30 days but I like the idea of matching the days with the dates, work on one new task for the entirety of December.
So I am going in a different direction, and focusing on 30 days straight of tracking all the little things I track, for December. I enjoy tracking, but being typical, I do it for a few weeks and then stop. SO…
I can practice building the tracking habit by scheduling a time of day to devote to tracking each day.
My future self will look like a more productive person, with the reminders set in my routine by the daily habit of tracking. Being active reduces anxiety.
I am Grateful For:
-Mio water flavoring! Doesn’t replace wanting a bite to eat, but they taste delicious and it helps my water consumption.
-My productivity! WOW. Today was a very active day, which helps me stay mentally and bodily well.
-It’s now been over a year since COVID emerged. Still covid free. Grateful for each healthy day for myself and my family.
Godspeed y’all!