Series – Future Self Journaling – 21G – More Movie Watchin’

I just finished watching the cutest movie! 1947’s The Egg and I with Claudette Colbert and Fred McMurray.

It’s funny how a random movie filmed about seventy-five years ago can reinforce how you feel about a thing. I’ve always wanted a home in the country, yet was 100% that I did not want to go the route of adding meal animals to my home and garden. Watching a city girl housewife Betty hilariously dumped into the country into the farmwife role, as I hope to be one day, was affirming in the most charming way. Watching her corral a pig and have to collect eggs every day, and knowing how much 24 hour care goes into the smallest of animals (chicks), confirms that it’s just not for me. I am wooed thinking about playing with the genetics of my chickens to get all the egg colors I want, and the fantastic photos I could take, but not if it comes with chicken shit and being pecked by a mean rooster. Adding a pig, or a goat? Think of the process to get an animal from farm to your table. I’m not up for it, honestly.

The movie is a comedy, quite charming and a film I would watch again. That said, funny can’t cloak the real work and constant care that comes with animal husbandry.

I’ll dream of an acreage overrun with plant babies.

Onto my challenges, how am I doing?


So Anyway, How About Them Gratefuls?

-that I take so many photos. Nothing gets you through a frigid day like losing yourself in last seasons fruit and flowers.

-finding so much helpful and gorgeous content on Instagram!

-Finding and purchasing a dahlia I have always wanted and then finding my next hard-to-get white whale.

Godspeed Y’all!

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights that hindsight provides.

Quick recap, the purpose of vlogging this process. The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started over a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling.

Example of Future Self Journaling

The End

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