Series – Future Self Journaling – 1E

New 30 days challenge, health back in focus. To review the previous challenges:

A. This weblog
B. Tracking using my spreadsheets (logging)
C. Fruit or Veggie to start the day
D. Sps Attention

E = Scribble down five reasons so make healthier choices, each day. All healthy choices, mental or physical, count. I have a notebook dedicated to my scribbles.

A review of my challenges so far. Interestingly, while I complete most of the challenges sporadically, some unofficial habits have developed. Good ones. Like stretching every morning. Walking a few blocks every day and tracking my steps. Gratefulness exercises are automatic, as is shutting down media (social and otherwise) that doesn’t serve me and my mental health. I really like these 30 day challenges. Even when I am not as adherent as I would like, just having them swimming in my brain keeps me more focused and positive, more engaged. I would say of all the challenges, the fruit challenge is the easier for me to adhere too. I have been dedicated to ensuring I consume at least 6 servings of fruits and veggies a day, a goal I have been meeting for a couple of years now, so it’s automatic at this point. Edit: during the summer when I am harvesting. More of a challenge during cold months. I have always been dedicated to spoiling The Sps, but it has been fun to try to think more creatively to meet his needs.

I am proud of me.


-the last hot summer night I am pretty sure was tonight. The Sps and I sat on the patio, enjoying the breeze that sets off the neighbors chimes but keeps the bugs at bay. A cold front is moving in, and it may bring those early fall rains.

-A distant relative, vaxx’d, had a breakthrough infection of Covid. He is home recovering, doing well! Edit: he got the monoclonal antibodies. Is recovered. Pre-booster.

-Football morning snuggles. Watching Gameday with The Sps, cuddling and discussing our fantasy football line ups.

Godspeed Y’all!

Please share your experiences, sources or research!