Series – Future Self Journaling – 19F – Challenging Challenges

Diet challenges are harder for me later in the week. Thursday is grocery day, the day I have my weaknesses in the house. Saltines for Panera broccoli and cheddar soup and baked-that-morning bakery bread for tuna fish sandwiches. Usually sourdough. The D.A.S.H./M.I.N.D. diet allows saltines and bread, but those two items are hard for me to stop eating at a reasonable amount. That and potato chips. Interestingly enough, the Kellogg’s boycott includes Pringles, which is one helluva gift for me when I don’t buy any. I don’t replace them with other chips unless we are having a chip dip event, which won’t be until Superb Owl weekend.

I have been eating fruit and veggies, some days 5-6 servings, some days 2-3 (piss poor). My snack of choice recently is fresh pears and raw cauliflower dipped in ranch. About 1 tablespoon of ranch dressing per 5 ounces of cauliflower, which isn’t bad! I also have a clementine almost every day, which at 35 calories and containing decent fiber has to be a diet staple for me.

My physical activity the past few days has been amazing. I’m not grateful for the snowstorm but I am happy some silver linings were to be had. The snowstorm dropped ten inches and we do not have a snowblower…for a corner lot. So we shoveled the driveway twice so the load would be less heavy on our backs as the snow was wet. That was a lot of movement and steps. Today I took a walk in the crisp clear afternoon.

Writing out how my challenges are going helps me realize both The Sps and I have been a bit too busy for each other the past few days. This future self journaling is great for me keeping me accountable and present with some important facets of my life. I will work on that tonight, reconnecting once he isn’t busy. I just ran over for a quick surprise hug. Then back to work for both of us.

Logging? Eh. I was back on track but half assed it the past two days. Guess what I will do once I am finished here? Feels good to have completed some, even if not all, my tracking. It just settles my mindset and I get more done.

Five Reasons to Make Healthy Choices

1. Aging is an easier process the healthier I am.
2.Journaling keeps me mentally engaged and help keep me on track
3.Taking advantage of the opportunities mother nature provides gives my an outlet for physical activity and time under the sun.
4.Water/hydration has a positive impact on my blood pressure.
5.Making healthy choices embodies leading by example.

Grateful For

-this outlet to talk through all the little hamsters on the wheel.

-a snow day for the kiddo, I didn’t have to drive today!! It’s one of my least favorite wife/mom chores.

-sore biceps. My arms got quite the workout from all the shoveling.

-All but one person on our block had the sidewalk shoveled less than 24 hours after the snow storm. I was able to take a lovely walk today!

Godspeed Y’all!

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights.

Quick recap to orient the reader what is going on, the purpose of vlogging this process. The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started over a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling.

The End

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