Celebrating a very successful week! My future self will be grateful for the effort put forth this week.
- Made it 75% of the way for my weekly goal. It was beyond ambitious, previously impossible but almost hit it!
- Calm week. In fact, only one tiff and it resolved itself soon enough. Such a nice change from years ago. A calm home for everyone, is everything!
- Three nights in a row no snacking after window. Three days staying in window for eating. Three days staying in calorie budget!
- On the days I did not walk, I did shovel, so 6 out of 7 days I hauled ass outside to move around a bit. Thank you for the weather that allowed me to do so!
Grateful for:
-continued nice-for-January weather
-no covid!
-a calm week back to homeschooling. The Kid has been working on attending to his work and doing exceptional!
Godspeed y’all!