Series – Future Self Journaling – 12C – Clementine

Yesterday was amazingly successful as far as getting tasks done. I swear, checkin’ boxes is one of my favorite things to do. Yesterday was a fantastic day all around. I ventured out to browse in an actual store, with mask, during a slow time so not many people there. The store had a small section of holiday items 75% off, so I picked up a few ornaments and charming giftcard tins. There were garden items on clearance from fall.

And I picked up the champagne -excuse me, the sparkling wine- the reason I ventured outside my bubble in the first place.

Today is also Menu Planning day. One of my favorite housewife tasks.

Grateful for:

1. Leaving a store with NO BULLSHIT SNACKS. Champy only.
2. I finally have the number of nice pens needed to have one available no matter where I am in the house. This number is higher than it should be.
3. My fellow 84 million voters TAKING OUT THE TRASH from our house. Group hug ya’ll!!

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