Series – Future Self Journal – 12 – Carbs Help Me Sleep

I tried transitioning to a filling carb, oatmeal, to eat before bed and nothing. Still wanted saltines and milk around midnight. Although perhaps with more consistency and trying a few more weeks it’ll finally become a habit?

If I can point to a single factor that sabotages my efforts to live healthier, late night unhealthy carb binges are it. HELP!

Grateful for:

-A conversation that increased understanding and resulted in some needed behavior changes.
-Somehow ensured I squeezed in a few servings of veggies into my crap eating day. My minimum is five servings of fruits and veggies, but I aim for seven servings.
-I bought a 2 L of Pepsi and dumped it out with half a bottle left. I allow myself one glass of pop a week. Last week I skipped Pepsi altogether but bought a 2L because it was the same price as a 20 bottle. Dumb. Yet, because it was already purchased and added no nutritive value, why not dump it? So I did.

Godspeed Y’all

Please share your experiences, sources or research!