Series – Future Self Journal – 23G – Dreams of Plants

The only part of the dream I remember was as follows.

I was digging up a small tree or large plant along my south chain link fence to relocate it…somewhere. During digging, a trench around the roots, I discovered tulip bulbs planted the previous year. The bulbs, I knew were there, yet thought I had more room to dig up the larger plant without disturbing the bulbs. For some reason, relocating the bulbs was not an option. I had a choice to make, hurt the bulbs or hurt the roots of the larger plant.

I don’t remember deciding which option I chose. I rarely dream of plants. I have recurring dreams about pools, certain buildings, but not plant life.


  1. Solidly back on track
  2. Weather was gorgeous and took a relaxing walk with The Sps this afternoon
  3. I made the best pizza I have ever had this afternoon

Godspeed y’all!

~The End~

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