I love TCM. Watching old movies has been a boon to my vocabulary. It’s actually uplifting to walk around claiming things are “magnificent dahling”! Always puts a smile on my face. I am enriched with my increased writing of late, correcting bad writing habits. I can’t eradicate all the errors, as some are purposeful for my personal style. With Grammarly and similar apps, even spellcheck, our writing is always being judged and lovely red lines suggest correction.
See “dahling”.
As of this writing, I am grateful for:
- New dishwasher!!! Not sure many of you were aware, but there is a shortage of many appliances and furniture per COVID. We waited to buy a new dishwasher. I was completely willing to save money and be the dishwasher, as my Grandmother was for her family. Standing in front of the sink and musing while washing isn’t my first choice of activity, but it wasn’t horrible either. In any case, the dishwasher stopped washing anything decently. I took the dishwasher apart, cleaned out everything, put it all back together and ran a load. The dishwasher still left bits of lord knows what on our dishes. So we used it as a drying rack, running the rinse cycle to clear out the drain once the dishes were emptied. Yet not for long. It ust stopped working altogether. It was time. I am frugal when I need to be, but even I have limits. A new appliance is like a new toy, albeit an expensive one. I waited over a month for delivery and installation through a local appliance store willing to do both the plumbing and installation.
You should have seen me when we bought a new fridge a few months back, a spendy LG with ALL the bells and whistles I wanted. I squealed. Literally and loudly and often. French doors up top, two lower freezer drawers. An additional drawer in the fridge allowing a high variance of temperature for produce, deli or meats. Wifi so I can take a picture of the inside of the fridge while at the store, to check and see if I have a certain item. Tapping on the outside door illuminates the door-in-door shelving, so no need to open the third fridge door if I need to see what is in the door shelf. I could list the features of this baby all day long. The delivery people took off the doors of the fridge and my house just to get in inside. I wish I had set aside more cash than I did for a tip, they earned all the monies! Lowes kicks ass. The sale price was so good, far better than the usual veteran’s discount they offer.
Tip of the hat to Lowes.
2. My mom has a new friend, another person to look out for her and to take an interest in her life. We could all use some of that! I am grateful to the universe for adding this person to her world.
3. A family member, with whom we are always exchanging items with (if such-n-such store has Lysol, please grab me a can type help), FINALLY got the damn Cash app. I never carry cash, most of my people use Zelle or the Cash app. So it is beyond annoying when I, someone who rarely leaves the house anymore, has to get $5 or $10 in cash to someone. I am certainly not sending The Sps out into an infectious world just to get me seven bucks in cash. It’s November 19th, 2020, in the cold midwest. In a state which happens to be the Typhoid Mary of COVID this month.
So thank you FAM, for joining the 2020’s.
Godspeed y’all!