Series – Future Self Journal – 6 – Spoke too soon.

That building a habit thing I mentioned yesterday? I spoke too soon, because human. I almost forgot to do this today! It’s past midnight and I was getting ready to sleep when I remembered. Glad I did though. Got to keep those promises to myself! Dr. LePera would be proud.

Day 6, I was grateful for:

  1. Wiki holes! Wikipedia and the sources links. I also start somewhere fun and easy breezy, and my curiosity takes me nowhere near the origin an hour or a few later.
  2. TCM. I did not think I liked old movies, but I do! Especially movies filmed in the 1930’s. I’ve learned about pre-code and what year the first talkies were filmed. I’ve enjoyed following the changes in acting style as actors and directors realized they did not have to rely on dramatic emoting, as now they could rely on sound and dialogue instead of hyperbole of set pieces and body language. I saw Joan Crawford in a silent film, one of her first feature films. I didn’t enjoy waiting for the dialogue screen to have much of an idea of what was going on in the scene. I know there are dedicated cinephiles who adore silent films, and god bless ’em.
  3. The weather is warming, the snow is melting. A surprise snowstorm stymied my plans to wrap up the last of the fall yard chores. It was nice to have an excuse to throw up my hands and be done with the end of the year chores per circumstances beyond my control. Mother Nature apparently wants me to finish my chores.

    “Take care of your inner beauty, your spiritual beauty, and that will reflect in your face. We have the face we created over the years. Every bad deed, every bad fault will show on your face. God can give us beauty and genes can give us our features, but whether that beauty remains or changes is determined by our thoughts and deeds.” ~Dolores del Rio (movie star)

Godspeed y’all. Stay well.

Please share your experiences, sources or research!