Series – Future Self Journal – 4C – It Happened, I missed a day! January 6th, 2021

It was the January 6th, 2021 insurrection’s fault. No really. I am an American, you expect me to tear my eyes away from a tv AND remove my ass from the couch to engage in healthful behaviors? I didn’t weblog, I didn’t eat any fruit. I don’t think I logged either. Task C is not starting off very well.

I’m annoyed I broke a very solid streak, but not going to beat myself up too much about it. Not knowing if the protests would spread and potentially shut down anything local, I picked up some more grocery items. Not a ton, as this juicy housewife keeps her pantry stocked if you know what I mean.

So I guess I have a LOT more to be grateful for, my country hit ALL the deadly sins today!

1. The traitors, so far, haven’t mounted a stand locally, even though I am surrounded by their ilk.

2. Glad we are planning a move, all these ammosexuals can have our three electoral votes. We are moving somewhere where our presence will bring many blue votes to a state with a ton of electoral votes about to flip. EDIT: nope, that state went crazy too. Someday.

3. Instacart. My shopper stopped at another local store to grab my favorite popcorn because the grocery store was out. Yeah, I tipped $25 on a 60$ order.

4. SOME of the Capital Police shown as the redshirts some of them are, just in time to correct it as the Biden Admin comes in. Not something you want to find out in the middle of an administration. Sad they had to pull in Secret Service from the President Obama years to ensure President Biden’s safety. A few bad apples and all that. I feel empathy for the LEO’s just trying to get through the day doing the job they love.

5. The value of shining that big ass Maga-lite under the stove so you can see all the cockroaches and where they scatter.

Godspeed, y’all, for REAL.

The Future Self Journal includes this weblog entry as one of my first 30 days challenges I completed months ago, and am still practicing. To recap, I am not sponsored by nor is Dr. Nicole LePera or her people even aware I have this blog. Is for my personal use and development.

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