Series – Future Self Journal – 4 – A Sin A Day Keeps Heaven Away

Just kidding. I just liked the title I came up with.

Day 4 journaling was another good day, filled with many Gratefuls. I was tired, but am keeping this promise to myself, which, according to Dr. LePera, builds my trust in myself, as well as confidence.

Side benefits, again, staying on the IF schedule. Twice this week I’ve met the requirements to completing a 20 hr fast and 3-4hr eating window!

Last night, I woke up in the middle of the night all stuffy and had an alarming coughing fit. Normally a coughing fit isn’t alarming, but in the days of covid, coughing is meaningful.

I haven’t been to a restaurant in almost a year. I’ve seen my mom twice, during carefully orchestrated outdoor sparsely attended events. No more Sunday dinners watching football with the inlaws. One kiddo works at a large hospital, so I don’t see them much, maybe once a month if that, and of course it’s carefully planned, outdoors. My favorite holiday, Thanksgiving? Well, it’ll just be the small household. Just because it is the right thing to do doesn’t mean it feels right. But distance is correct. I don’t have a strict hygiene protocol when The Sps or Kiddos come in the house for nothing. I stopped grocery shopping during the summer, after a lovely argument with the cashier who did not understand that wiping down the keypad once before her shift does not keep covid at bay for the 100 people who touch the damn thing during her shift. She told me to “just use the pen then”, so of course I took the opportunity to ask if that was wiped down and she looked at me crazy and said “never”. A perfect time to again remind her how many people touch it during a normal shift.

She didn’t understand, because she didn’t want to. I previously had many pleasurable conversations with her about gardening and cooking. I mourn a bit her absolute lack of basic care for people, completely losing respect for her as a result. She’s probably bitching about wearing a mask as we speak.

Anyway, I went back to sleep, sure I would need it as I was obviously getting sick with something. I woke up, and felt my usual self. Still feel good. No coughing, no stuffiness. I made sure to take my vitamins, make a dinner filled with the nutritive stuff -fettuccini in a tomato pepper sauce with a side of watermelon- and chalked up my random coughing fit to the ceiling fan blowing some dust in my face at 3 AM.

I hate dusting.

Day Four I am Grateful For:

  1. Having an introspective conversation with The Sps, my favorite kind of convo.
  2. Working on my jealous tendencies. I tend to want what everyone else has, but the past few years I have felt quite blessed with what I have. I am a lucky person.
  3. A schedule that allows me to rest when I overdo it. Had some back-breaking shoveling to do a few days ago, and my hip didn’t like it. I got to just rearrange my day and lay in bed for most of it. THAT is a blessing beyond measure.

    Godspeed y’all! And thanks for reading.

Please share your experiences, sources or research!