I was shown some calm, some compassion and patience today in a situation where it was vital to my mental health. The kind of perfect handling that will get a compliment letter and restore faith. Thank you universe for the much needed kindness.
In other news, I am trying yet another new recipe, a chicken curry wrap with Major Grey’s chutney. Never had anything like it and I am excited to try it. Gonna load it with veggies to make it a bit more nutrient rich. Edit: It was amazing. I have a made it a few times. Isn’t The Sps’s favorite though. I’ll link the recipe eventually.
In other news, Hubby has a cold, at least I hope it’s a damn cold. Stuffy nose, no fever, can taste and smell so hopeful it’s just a cold. I hope that isn’t the first sentence of an awful terrible book. I don’t want 2020 following us through the door to 2021. *slams 2020 in its face*
Edit: It was just a cold. woo hoo!
1. IT’s 2021!!! Tears of joy when that clock hit midnight, I swear it.
2. Got my flu shot and made it clear to all appropriate parties that I am down for the covid shot as soon as it’s available.
3. My stocking up last February (almost a year ago !?) means I have Lysol and wipes to dutifully follow The Sps around and disinfect after him, before leaving him in his own little space to sleep. If the virus operates in a cloud following his breath, I am the cloud trailing him killing all the little buggies.