Series – Future Self Journal – 26B – New Addictions – Habit Building

I read an article, long ago, about new habit creation. It argued that to build a new habit, you must first reconcile with the fact that you must give something up to gain something. After all, there was something you were doing with your time that must be given up to make room for new. It seems on its face counterintuitive for someone like me with a great deal of free time. But I like my free time. I like not having a schedule, and I love this life I have cultivated of having few responsibilities outside my home and circle. Any new habit means more structure, more responsibility and less free time.

I have been working hard at making room for healthier pursuits, especially in the past two years. I have a picked up a new obsession or two in the process.

1. Step count. A more recent focus, but these days I set goals and I will feel as though I missed out if I do not get outside and walk at least a block, each day. Was an easy habit this past spring and summer, yet now that it’s winter, it is easier to find excuses. But when I look out the window and see the sun shine? I still am driven to pull on the sweatpants and get some movement and sun.

2. Cauliflower and ranch dip. I buy cauliflower every week. I actually crave cauliflower and dip now. I don’t need a ton of dip, thankfully. A bowl full of cauliflower and a dallop of Sir Kensington’s ranch is an easy 200 calorie snack.

3. Weblogging. A new habit I don’t forget. I look forward to it. My progression has gone as follows. In November, I would weblog late at night, and often struggled with topics. End of December? Now some days I do my daily weblog ahead of time, sometimes in the morning or afternoon, not last minute. I have articles ready to go for those few days I am less motivated. Which does not happen often.


  1. Increased productivity
  2. The lovely scents in my world. Cocoa butter, jasmine, rose, citrus and vanilla.
  3. The bill was signed! No, it wasn’t enough for those struggling. Yet I feel confident the correct people will do the moral thing and another bill will be forthcoming for those who need it most. Come on January 20th!
  4. Each update for the upcoming storm shaves off a little snow/ice forecast. I know we’ll get hit, but less is better.

Godspeed Y’all!

Please share your experiences, sources or research!