Series – Future Self Journal – 17E – Rituals for Living Dreambook – Garden Season Over

As you may have noticed, when the garden season is over, I have fewer daily garden updates. This site started as a garden site and evolved into a personal growth site. I plan to add garden content (there is a lot) throughout the winter, however I like where my improvement endeavor is taking me as the days grow cold. By next spring, you will have a lot of helpful garden content to wade through, and journal entries if peeking into my inner world holds any interest for you.

Chapter Two – Gifts. Questions 1-3.

Q1. When have you been the most productive? When I have someone to advocate for. A mission. I am most productive when I am teaching, debating and learning. Research is fun for me.

Q2. When do you like yourself the most? When I score a win on behalf of someone else, or myself. I like myself the most when I am patient and calm, as those qualities are hard won and each successful event is enormously enriching to me.

Q3. What advice would you give someone based on what you have learned? Icarus died when he flew too close to the sun. That said, sometimes flight instead of fight is the best response. It’s so hard to figure that out because both fighting and flighting has literally saved my life. I’m FINALLY getting some wisdom knowing which serves me best in each critical moment. Please learn faster than I did.

I’d say I am fanatical about timecost. Life is too short to waste on harmful people and relationships. Learned that the hard way, as we humans tend to do.

“no”. It’s a full sentence.

If you are not up to socializing, “I have plans” ALWAYS works. Your plan may be to take a nap, not answer the door, take some me time or watch trash television, but it is still a plan. And your plan is only the business of you and the people impacted by your plan, for instance, the people who live in the house where you plan to watch TV. Try not to get too many crumbs on the couch. Your coworker/neighbor/Uncle Dave doesn’t need to know what your plans are.

Look out for the little guy and girl. Protect and defend those who need it the most and who society gifts the least. Saying a friendly “hi” to a lonely person or dropping off some food to a hungry person is fast, costs little and saves lives, both physical and mental. And no, you don’t have to film it for internet points, tell everyone on social media, or make note of it at all. I do a lot of silent work in the shadows, being an introvert. I hope I’ve made a difference where it matters. I know I have, actually. Leave people the dignity of privacy in their hardest moments.

I am Grateful For:

-Routine. Lots of recent upheaval and a new routine is falling into place. I need this for my mental stability.

-The guardian angel of someone I care for deeply is looking out for him. Thank you Cheryl, You Are Loved.

-Another stocking stuffer idea popped out of nowhere, done and done. My holiday shopping is almost complete, and it is early November.

Godspeed y’all!

This content was previously written to ensure this was a true series, and to share insights.

Quick recap to orient the reader what is going on, the purpose of vlogging this process. The journaling is part of a 30 Day Challenge I started over a year ago. I consider that a component of the Future Self Journaling process. The gratefulness notes near the bottom of each self improvement post is also a specific and helpful part of Future Self Journaling. The Rituals for Live Dreambook was given to me by my children, so why not add this to my blogging/future self journaling time?

The End

Please share your experiences, sources or research!