Series – Future Self Journal – 10 – I Need Sleep

This update will be short. I have had two days of far less sleep than usual. This happens from time to time, for no reason I can identify. But I am TIRED.

Grateful For:

1. The ability to NAP when I need to. I recognize daily what a blessing free time is.

2. I am grateful I had some playful downtime with The Sps yesterday. It is so nice to just sit and laugh over stupid shit.

3. I am grateful I was provided a perfect walking day yesterday. Completed a 2 mile walk and the weather was lovely!

4. Grateful for TCM…again. Watched Lost Boundaries (1949) and found it an enriching way to spend the time. I love when a great movie is based on a true story. Enter WikiHole.

Godspeed y’all.

Please share your experiences, sources or research!