If you are here, you likely have already read the story of the Curtis Cheek tomato and how it’s name was born. If not, there is a link at the bottom of this review to the seeds and story. I found the story a bit gross, honestly, yet as an insatiably curious person, how could I not buy those seeds?
Like Dwight in The Office, I scoff, yet in the end, I WILL plant these magic seeds. Even if I think Jim is full of crap.
Does the Curtis Cheek tomato live up to the hype?
Yes. This tomato is meaty. The flavor is well balanced between sweet and acid. Tastes like an extraordinary tomato. It is most similar, for my palate, to a Pink Brimmer or Royal Hillbilly. All good tomatoes.
The seeds germinated easily, along with all seeds I’ve purchased from Renaissance Seeds Org. The plant stayed healthy throughout the growing season. Production was average. The fruit ripens mid to late season. The Curtis Cheek plant required nothing more than what I provide to all my healthy tomato plants, an egg at planting and a diluted Epsom salt spray in July. The fruit size is the usual beefsteak size, 12-16 ounces.
Can you recommend this tomato to others?
Was this a sponsored post?
Nope. None of my posts are. Paid full price via online store. I am quite confident nobody at Renaissance Seeds has any idea who I am. I will link the listing below. Includes The Story!
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The End
Like you, I found the Curtis Cheek Tomato easy to germinate, but it is not doing as well as my other tomato plants. Not sure what I am doing wrong but I find it much more high maintenance, then my other plants. Half the time, they look in distress as my other tomatoes plants are now showing flowers.
Oh no! That is disappointing to hear. I do hope it lives long enough to give you a tomato. May just not be for you. Everybody tells me how healthy Paul Robeson tomatoes are, but I’ve yet to have an exceptional harvest. Paul Robeson tomato plants are fussy for me, and don’t provide much, if they live.
This is my 1st year growing both Paul Robeson and Curtis Cheek. They started out fine but both faded fast! (Esp the CC) I had to start them over a few times baby the heck out of them. They’ve been in the raised bed about 3 wks and look healthy I guess, but are half the size of most all my other tomatoes. We’ll see…