All plants grown in the high wind prairie, Midwest, in macro-climate zone 5(ish). Average dewpoint in summer is around 60. Soil is a loamy clay. Although my preference is organic, I have used commercial fertilizers from time to time. Gardening personality relaxed and experimental, purist about very little. Growing Days approximately 135
Authors are HUMAN, photographs are only cropped and rotated, no color editing. Not AI
I like to think about what might be possible, and just give it a go ~Craig LeHoullier 2022

A Photo Diary Through the Growing Season
One of the many reason I enjoy this yearly harvest review so much is the variety of colors that deepens as the months pass. May is green, then colors begin to peek as summer arrives.

May is: lettuces, arugula, asparagus.

The Flood Happened 20-22 June 2024

June harvest: Radish, all pea types, cherries, strawberries and scallop summer squash.

Harvest items July: Summer squash, bush beans, eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, raspberries, cucumber and shallot.
Note: the onions were directly impacted by the flood, so I harvested them before they began to rot. Still, they were better than last year, so I’m getting better growing them every season. In fact, today is December 6th, and this morning’s grocery trip was the first time I needed to purchase shallots and yellow onion. Very pleased!

Harvest items for August: Winter Squash (smaller), bush beans, tomatoes, peppers, onions, cucumber, eggplant, potato, grapes, cabbage, kohlrabi.

Harvest in September: Tomatoes, peppers, apples, ground cherries, raspberries, winter squash, grapes, carrots, eggplant, winter squash.

Harvest items October: Tomato, pepper, carrot, winter squash, raspberries, ground cherries, grapes, apples, eggplant.

November Harvest. Doing the final clean up and wouldn’t you know it, carrots, parsnip and a cabbage ready for harvest!
Thank you for joining me on this trip through garden memory lane for 2024. Not as bountiful as other years, but blessings nonetheless.
~The End