The second week of June is pretty exciting for this gardener. Most plants, in particular the tomatoes and squash, will double in size between June 5 and June 15th. I assume most gardeners have a week or two where the same happens, just on a different timeframe dependent on climate and garden environment. Early-mid June is generally when I do the first tomato pruning of the bottom leaves that touch soil, as well as attach the tomatoes to the bamboo stake. I prefer to not tie up my tomatoes for a few weeks after transplant to strengthen the stems. I live in a higher wind prairie, and it’s drier most years, especially once summer arrives. We need our plants to be tough and I find my survival of the fittest strategy works best. Now that the tomato plants have had about 4 weeks to fend for themselves and acclimate, I’ll give them some TLC. They are the strongest of the bunch, the best of the little seeds I planted in March.

All plants grown in the high wind prairie, Midwest, in macro-climate zone 5. Average dewpoint in summer is around 60. Soil is a loamy clay. Although my preference is organic, I have used commercial fertilizers from time to time. Gardening personality relaxed and experimental, purist about very little. Growing Days approximately 135
Garden Chores
TC= Time Cost in Minutes
–Mark the iris I want to move (Easter Candy) TC5 DONE
–Fertilize everything with the micronutrient mix with extra zinc and boron and some balanced liquid fertilizer (Neptune’s Harvest). Extra for the vining plants. TC45 DONE
–More chop and drop and mulch the peppers, then dahlias TC60 DONE
–Weed weed weed and weed ONGOING
–Concentrate on soil improvement in the SE section of garden. Want More Asiatic Lily! TC30 DONE
–Do the first attach and prune of the tomatoes TC90 DONE
–Move and protect the specialty sunflowers. Pull the rest TC30 DONE
–reseed the radish TC15 – DID NOT COMPLETE
–Weed some more DONE
–Begin daily monitoring of Growing Degree Days. The Squash Vine Borer Moth is Coming TC5 DONE
–Clean up the fence-line TC30 DONE
–Move things around to fill gaps, account for garlic being pulled by end of July TC60 DONE
–Find the Ground Cherry volunteers and move them to the proper bed TC10 DONE
–Spread the wood mulch in front flower garden TC45 DONE
–Snip the scapes of the garlic intended for harvest, identify the garlic intended for bulbil harvest ONGOING – DID NOT COMPLETE
–BT the coles DONE
Most Importantly, Enjoy the first Harvests!
