My Awesome Day in the April 11th Garden – Chores, Tasks and Lists

If you need a list of garden tasks to complete on a sunny April day, in real time, I got you!

The spring here has been…off. Winter was mild, then March was mild to begin, and ended cold. April is still just as cold as March. Not loving this. This past Sunday provided a sunny day with LOW WIND (holy crap) and 60 degree temps!

It was time. Beginning at 8:30 (an unholy early hour for me these days with my infuriating sleep “schedule”) until 1:30, I did not sit down. I chilled a bit thereafter, yet still somehow managed to hit 20k steps for the day. Usually I can get to 15k steps if I take a long walk. This Sunday I hit 20k with a short walk with The Sps and many hours busting ass in the yard and garden.

I also had to be outside to babysit the contracting crew we hired to replace the boards on our deck. Not sit and watch them work, but to stay outside otherwise occupied. This crew was consistently late, bugged out early on Friday and Saturday for reasons. My deck HAD to be done Sunday (days late) and I knew I would have to keep a literal eye on these grown ass people to ensure it was completed. The owner/foreman said it would finally be complete by “noon or one”. They left at 5:45 PM.

In any case, I made the best of my required presence outdoors.

  1. Raked the front flower gardens, pulled out all the old plant matter.
  2. Cayenne the tulips as the bunnies discovered them.
  3. Serviced the lawn mower. Just gas and fire it up, I still need to replace oil and sharpen blades (foil)
  4. Measured for and dug holes in prep for the new plants due to arrive this month
  5. Pulled up all the old corn stalks, sunflower stalks, old pepper plants. Leaving the plants to overwinter provides nutrients for the soil over winter and they are far easier to pull in the spring.
  6. Reinforced some sagging fencing
  7. Removed the hardware cloth collars protecting plant bark over the winter
  8. Pruned my grape vines
  9. Made a pile of all the wood I’ll use to make wood chips, which will be placed at the base of my trees, shrubs and other perennials.
  10. Connected the hoses to the spigots, learned I have a leaky wand
  11. Ran to Lowes to grab a new hose wand and more potting soil for my starts next week. And a new lilac as I need one more to fill in a specific spot.
  12. Told all the worms I found how happy I was to see them
  13. Dug up the dead rose bushes. *sniff* I lost a red rose and a gorgeous yellow/peach rose
  14. Disinfected the bins I will use to start the next round of plants. Dish soap and water with a vinegar rinse
  15. Raked up the leaf refuse and placed where I plan to use as mulch
  16. Dug a trench for blueberries
  17. Transferred extra soil from trench to top off herb spiral.
  18. Complimented my soil for being so healthy, I am in AWE of how good it is this year
  19. Chopped some pine needles from the tree I saved, into the blueberry trench.
  20. Threw the tougher plant pots I’ll need for up-potting into the dishwasher on the delicate cycle
  21. Helped the crew haul the old wood into the refuse truck. Be a helper, every day.
  22. Water everything as we are in a slight drought; the weather forecast no longer guarantees a good soak.

I ended the day with a slight tan!! I hurt a bit, which feels great -from my perspective- when it’s the result of a long day of getting tasks done. I woke up the next day and my shoulder and back were fine. My Garmin said I ended the day burning 3k calories. Dinner was a steak with asparagus and baked potato. And cold Sunny D. And yes, I slept SO GOOD, and got to sleep around midnight for a change.

What a fantastic day!

Please share your experiences, sources or research!