I set up my Squash Vine Borer Trap

Currently I have three SVB (Squash Vine Borer) moth traps. I set up one today as an indicator trap to let me know when they arrive. The other two will be set up then. Set up of the traps only takes a couple of minutes. The traps work similarly, the phermone and color of the lure attracts the SVB moth, and the moth gets stuck in the stick trap, unable to deposit or fertilize. This is the third year I have used these traps.

As always, I remind my awesome reader than every yard is different. For many reasons, I have an abnormally large population of SVB moths and larvae every year, hence why just the traps won’t work. For someone with a smaller SVB moth population, the traps may be the primary strategy needed.

How to use the traps?

Short Video Below

If you would like to read my comprehensive guide that details my experience with ten different strategies and what my personal anti-SVB plan is, see the article below.

https://8thdeadlysin.org/guide-action-plan-for-the-loathed-squash-vine-borer-moth-with-additional-resources/: I set up my Squash Vine Borer Trap


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~The End~

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