Garden Fails 2021

Honestly, it’s been the best garden year so far. I am currently simmering yet another huge stockpot of tomato sauce. I have yet another round of cherry tomatoes drying in the hydrator to make sun dried tomatoes. But if I were to do this year over, what would I change?

  1. More broccoli raab instead of broccoli. Raab has fewer worms per the longer stalks and less room for them to hide, as well my broccoli heads never get more than 3 inches across. I just don’t have the touch with broccoli. Nor cauliflower.
  2. A row to walk in my sweet pepper patch. I had heard that peppers like to be close to each-other and well, they do. Prevents sunscald and traps the humidity I think. In any case, the only threat to my peppers is me…stepping on them as I wade through the patch. Most of my peppers are thigh high and very bushy, most heavy with fruit. I need a path. They need a path so pepper mom quits stepping on them.
  3. The beans are crowding out the hot pepper row. Next year, more space between Thai beans and anything else.
  4. Not enough sweet corn/ripens almost all at once. Next year I will stagger two plantings to extend the season.
  5. Peanuts. Out of 30 seeds, I have two plants. I do not know why.
  6. Tobacco. I planted the seeds in a shady spot. I have no idea why I did that.
  7. Stop planting Raspberry Lyanna. It is a bland shitty tomato and I always have enough volunteer plants to share with neighbors and family. STAHP.
  8. More ground cherries! I love those things.
  9. Beans planted among corn does not work for me. Poor garbanzo beans…I was so hopeful.

Thankfully my success list is far longer!

Please share your experiences, sources or research!